It follows Peppino, a severely depressed and mentally unstable Italian chef (and his fellow chef companion Gustavo) who's trying to stop his already failing Pizzeria from being completely run out of business by the antagonistic forces of the Tower. It is known for having a 1990's cartoon art style resembling MS paint, a soundtrack full of 16-bit instrumentation and funk/hip-hop sampling, immensely over the top Boss Battles and NPCs, and featuring Mort the Chicken from the titular PS1 game.
Pizza Tower is a 2023 Wario Land inspired high speed action-platformer by Indie developer Tour De Pizza on Steam.
sauceman, clascyjitto (frostix), mort the chicken, indie game, the noise, gustavo, wario land 4, wario land virtual boy, hip hop sampling, funk, 16-bit, mcpig_jr, pizza tower guy, peppino Tour de pizza, sampling, cartoony platformer, ptg, wario-like, mr.